
Should you be interested in one-to-one meetings, classes, online counselling, energy initiations and silent darshans, you could chat with the Master by texting a message to him. You can also call Sumiran by phone +7 960 113-12-90 (WhatsApp or Telegram)
Should you be interested in one-to-one meetings, classes, online counselling, energy initiations and silent darshans, you could chat with the Master by texting a message to him. You can also call Sumiran by phone +7 960 113-12-90 (WhatsApp or Telegram)

    Contact Master


    Sumiran will readily consider any collaboration projects related to health, psychological and spiritual development of man’s potential.


    Satsangs are conversations whereby the Master enhances disciples’ Attention and Understanding thus encouraging them to keep up their self-research and quest for Truth.

    Series of 2 to 3-hour meetings or one-off events in your local area are also possible.

    See Events.

    Online Satsangs

    Regular online satsangs with the Master using Zoom.

    See Events.


    1 to 14 days long seminars including practises of Zazen, satsangs, elements of Chinese Wushu, Qigong, vipassana, Jnana-Yoga, psychological work with event participants.

    See Events.


    • Individual counselling and face-to-face/online conversations with Sumiran;
    • prearranged group meetings of 3 to 6 persons;
    • one-to-one and group Wushu and Argentine Tango classes.

    A meeting may cost from 3000 to 7000 RUB.

    Text to the Master

    Should you wish to extend your appreciation to Sumiran by giving a donation to support him and his projects, you can make a bank transfer to SberBank of Russia, VISA bank card: 
    4276 1300 1240 4277 (in Russian Roubles only).

    Also you can donate via phone number
    +7 960 113-12-90 (in Russian Roubles only)

    or via PayPal using this email: